There is confusion around the etymology of the word hypnosis. Its prefix hypno may come from the ancient Greek ὑπνος hypnos - which means "sleep", or ὑπνόω hypnoō, "put to sleep". The origin of its suffix is more difficult to retrace: it may come from the Ancient Greek -ωσις -osis, which means “condition” or -gnosis which means sleep, knowledge.

Hypnosis originated in sleeping temples in ancient Egypt, where patients would seek healing through a guided dream state. There, they would find Priestesses who would perform “psychic surgery” on them to heal.

Many centuries later, Franz Mesmer, an Austrian doctor, referred to a similar practice as “animal magnetism”. He was later discredited by Benjamin Franklin, who concluded that “mesmerism” wasn’t a special power of force, but merely the “medecine of imagination”.

That’s exactly how hypnosis was taught to me - the medecine of the imagination - by my mentor, Shauna Cummins, founder of the Divine Feminine School of Hypnosis.

I am certified as a Hypnosis Practitioner by the National Guild of Hypnotists (the oldest hypnotism organization) and the International Association of Souncelors and Therapists or IACT, a conglomerate of holistic practitioners.

Hypnosis state is a state of relaxation, a mind-bending sense of alternate reality, where we can work towards the increase and flourishing of our creativity.

Trance state is a state of focused awareness where we can bypass the critical or conscious mind and access the subconscious mind. This altered state is a potent place for healing and changework, where the mind is receptive and suggestible to change work.

This state comes naturally to us, we are in fact always in trance: when we are watching movies, our phones, while we listen to someone else’s story. We use this natural state to focus & learn; and using this natural ability can help us interrupt harmful thought pattern and highlight new pathways to better support your healing.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis: this natural state is available to all of us. As a hypnotist, I am here to facilitate this conversation between you and your mind so that you can uncover new perspectives that may be not accessible to your conscious awareness.


A hypnosis session starts before it does: I will first get in touch with you to know what you want to work on, what are your challenges and gifts. This conversation is part of the offering, so no extra cost. This is a good way for us to get to know each other, for you to ask all the questions you have about my work or the session and for me to have a better idea of the kind of session would be right for you.

During a hypnosis session, you keep complete control over your self & mind. My responsibility as a hypnostist is to honor that power and be a companion in your journey toward healing. I am here as a guide to help you access more of your internal landscape.

The goal is to bring you to a heightened state of awareness so that you have access to more of your sense/feeling state, be aware of this state and engage your mind to enhance your healing capacity.

I believe that every one is capable to heal. Hypnosis is a powerful tool to be able to uncover & explore new pathways to healing, replace old thought patterns with new pathways to healing, see challenges under a new light & interrupt limiting beliefs. A session is a safe container for us to explore your challenges and transform them with care to powerful ways to heal.

I particularly love to work with ancestry, space and time. As someone who come from a line of displaced, colonized & colonizer people, those approaches have helped me reconnect with my purpose and bring my selves more healing.



Past Life Regression

  • Diving deep into past life to better understand better this one.

Pricing: 110 euros (1 hour)

Listening to the voice inside

  • Revealing what your mind, body & soul want to communicate to you. A session for you to reconnect to your selves and uncover new pathways and possibilities for your growth.

Pricing: 90 euros (1 hour)

  • Connecting to ancestry for a deeper healing of the past, present and future

    Revealing what your ancestors, spirit guides, angels or else want to communicate to you. This is particularly suited for people who do not have access to their ancestry in this physical lifetime and wish to use their imagination and energies to bond with them.

Pricing: 90 euros (1 hour)


  • 3 sessions to work deeper on a specific theme

    A deep transformational program that allows you to highlight limiting patterns & beliefs to heal them, allowing for a deeper relationship to your true selves.

Pricing: 222 euros, recordings included (3 sessions of 1 hour each)

  • 6 sessions to unearth ancestral healing

    A deep-dive into ancestral healing, this program allows you to experience & learn transformative hypnotic tools for you to harness and gather healing from your past, present & future, connecting with your ancestors, spirit guide & angels, using ancestral healing to expand your awareness of your power in the present.

Pricing: 444 euros, recordings included (6 sessions of 1 hour each)





i really enjoyed working with elia, they made me feel very safe and heard. it was really helpful to talk a little bit about my current emotional state in the begining and i liked how they incorporated this and the questions that they asked me into the mind massage. in general i found it amazing how elia was able to personalize the massage so much with knowing so little about me. the massage definitely loosened something in me and it felt like everything got a little brighter and lighter. i really enjoyed the focus on nature since i live in a bigger city and sometimes feel quite disconnected to it. i am very thankful that elia introduced me to this safe, happy place in nature that exists in me and that i can now always access when i need it. i also thought that the length of the massage was just right and that the transitions in and out of it felt very gentle. all in all the massage really helped me calm down and be more aware of myself on a day i needed it and i'm very grateful for that :)

- faith

The hypnosis session was more than I could have hoped for from a first experience. I went into it open minded and Elia guided me through the experience with such care. I can’t express my gratitude in words. The session is something that has profoundly impacted me and I’m beyond thankful for this experience.

- Rahma

The session was very soothing. My right for peace and clarity was assured. I felt very safe in the guidance. Visualision helped to center myself. Trancendental and healing altogether!

- Gabriel

The mind massage was great, i felt really relaxed after even if it was a short session I was able to feel the impact even days after it.

- W.C.

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